Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Feeling the crunch

There seems to be a noticeable increase in the number of cars appearing for private sale by the roadside, as petrol prices keep hitting record levels almost daily, with the government even trying to intervene in the situation. The picture above was snapped this morning, and shows a change of tack in sales technique.

Unfortunately, the recent oil price rises have coincided with the onset of the southern hemisphere winter, so it seems unlikely we'll see a cycling boom similar to the one currently happening in the US and elsewhere. If the current price hikes continue to the end of the year, maybe we will.


Unknown said...

Even if there isn't a noticeable rise in biking, there surely is a noticeable growth of pedestrians. There are more people walking into town than there were a few months ago.

I would suspect there would be more people using the bus in these winter months as well.

It will be interesting to see what the Spring and Summer months do, as I suspect fuel prices would have again risen later this year.

Malc said...

Thanks Lucinda. It's difficult to gauge if more or less people are making their commute on foot when you're on your bike, and it's good to hear that the numbers seem to be up.

This will be good news for the governments active transport targets. We'll have more info on that in a future post.

I wouldn't say there's not been a noticeable increase in cycling, because I think there has. I just wouldn't call it a boom ... yet!